Virtual Students Thriving A Pandemic – The Best Advice

The year 2020 will be remembered in human history for many generations to come. Humanity faced one of its biggest opponents in the form of the Covid-19 virus.

Entire countries went into lockdown, many economies collapsed and the whole healthcare system worked with full efficiency to combat this pandemic.

The education system took a hit too, as most schools and physical classes were shut down to prevent the further spread of the virus. Today we will be discussing about the various benefits that being a virtual students have, while this pandemic goes on.

The Covid-19 Precautions

One of the biggest reasons schools and colleges and other such educational institutions were closed were because of the impending risk of Covid-19 and the health concerns. Students of all age groups from a pre-schooler to a PHD holder were all asked to stay at there home and take maximum precautions.

As an individual, this allowed the students to continue with their studies at home, while ensuring that they were able to take good care of themselves amidst the worldwide pandemic. Proper SOPs were laid by concerned schools.

Young students were asked to stay at home and their education continued through online classes. Being a virtual student helped them avoid unnecessary contact and at the same time, rebuild their careers.

It also allowed students to devote more time to schooling and saved loads of time that was spent in commuting from their homes to schools.

Parents were also more relaxed, having their kids in their own rooms without exposing themselves to the virus. Students stayed at home and via online classes, continued to make notes of various subjects and complete their courses in time.

One of the biggest benefits of being a virtual student during this pandemic was indeed related to health and not education. Being safe at home with their families, students could concentrate on their studies without worrying about catching Covid-19 and spreading it to their near and dear ones.

It was a test of patience and students and their parents, excelled in it. What lies ahead is continuing this journey being a virtual student, till the time a mass majority is vaccinated.

The Virtual Vibe

When it comes to education, the biggest benefit of being a virtual student during this pandemic is the ability to study in the comfort of your home and saving vital time. Loads of time is wasted in commuting and though human interaction is necessary, Covid-19 allowed students to spend more time with their families and enjoy a live lecture in the comfort of their homes.

This also allowed for better focus and concentration as there were no distractions once the lecture started on the online platforms. It also allowed students to take screenshots of important topics being taught, learn them and solve their queries in the subsequent lectures. This is a technique often promoted for online learning prior to lockdowns.

The virtual student also has the ability to stay put, even after attending multiple lectures in a day. This enables students to take part in lectures that may not be possible due to logistical difficulties.

Less physical stress equals less fatigue and lethargy and this in turns helps in increasing the efficiency of their work. This makes for an overall positive experience when it comes to online classes as a substitute to physical lectures.

A virtual student also saves money which is usually spent in commuting, buying meals from the canteen and other miscellaneous activities. Students do not have to schedule themselves in accordance with the sitting arrangement.

All students are equally close to the board (the screen in this context) and there is no need for them to reach the campus earlier in order to get a seat in front. They are still able to hang out with friends virtually and are also receiving the vital interaction with their peers.

Being online also means that there are more resources to hand that teachers and lecturers can use to teach their students. Using polls and other simple interactive tools can increase participation.

Are Students Staying Home – Can’t Say The Dog Ate Your Homework

The reason schools and colleges were shut down was to avoid any exposure to the Covid-19 virus. When there is no need to leave the house, students are expected to remain inside and help the authorities fight this pandemic that way.

They have no need to leave their homes and most students are following the rules sincerely. Their parents and guardians are the ones who leave home to bring in the necessary supplies but all in all, being a virtual student has allowed many individuals to avoid getting exposed to Covid-19 and remain safe in their homes.

Since physical classes are discontinued, practical labs aren’t running. No sports grounds are being used and thus the students aren’t required to go out and shop for the necessary equipment and gear needed to partake in such activities.

This has also allowed them to focus more on the academic aspects and the theory of their subjects. All educational institutions are fully capable of conducting the practical aspects when the situation improves, and thus the balance of theory and practical would be reinstated.

Multiple Sources Of Learning

When they are learning online, students can use many different sources to help them memorise the theoretical aspects of their subjects. What’s more, many video based platforms allow students to watch the practical application of what they have learnt in their lectures.

With many sources of such kind available to them, virtual students are grasping concepts with ease. They are using the internet in understanding the depth of a concept and using the virtual platforms in building a strong academic foundation.

Students can also work on their queries with ease as many of those who are hesitant to speak in front of the class can type in their doubts in the chat boxes available.

Teachers can also work from home and provide their pupils with quality lectures and efficient doubt solving sessions. This works well for both parties as the teachers can also take care of their presentations with ease and teach without hassle, and the students can make the most of the class while sitting comfortably in their homes.

Does This Help With Covid?

The biggest impact online classes had on the pandemic was slowing down the rate of spread of the virus. The young age group was not only susceptible to the virus but young kids are also naive enough to not follow the protocols as per their own needs.

Students may take off their masks, spoil the masks and this can lead to hazardous consequences. As a result, being at home and resuming classes virtually was one of the best ways to ensure that the students are able to stay Covid free.

So far, this tactic against the virus has worked well. Students across the world have been able to resume their studies without any issues whatsoever.

Many students live with elders who are in the susceptible age group when it comes to the virus. By staying at home, students were able to make sure that they kept themselves and the elders around them, safe from Covid.

The virtual student is not only enjoying the perks of staying at home and resuming their education, they are also happy to have the feeling of being safe and secure amidst this pandemic. Being a virtual student has helped many to get more time for their families and create more memories.

Students who used to change cities for further education, are now back home and spending more time with their loved ones. They can maintain a healthy balance between their classes and the time they spend with their family.

This has also allowed them to enjoy the whole transition from physical to online classes. Many students are finding it easier to learn concepts in an online class. Teachers are also doing their best by breaking down their lectures into various key points and providing knowledge in the limited time available.

These are some splendid benefits of being a virtual student during this pandemic. The safety and comfort of home, coupled with the fact that online classes act as a safety shield from Covid-19, being a virtual student has paid off for many. So, if you are a virtual student enjoying education amidst this pandemic- keep learning

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