Budgeting Gas Costs for College Students – The Best Advice

Students, you need to know where the closes gas station is located. Knowing this could mean the difference between getting to where you’re going and getting nowhere.

Gas stations are around every corner, until your gas empty light comes on. Map out where the gas stations are located; from home to school to work to home. This could save you tons of embarrassment.

Discounts on Gas

Get cheaper gas with a Walmart Gift Card. As a college student you may want to ask for one of these because they make great gifts. They are safer for your parent to send to you than sending money through the mail. They can be reloaded. When you use the card at Walmart gas stations you get a three-cent discount. The cards are free; there is no fee attached to these cards.

Do you have an iPhone? Try one of these apps; GasBuddy, Gas Guru or CheapFuel. They will find the cheapest gas in your area. We all love to use our phones and apps and as a college student, you could be pretty tech savvy. Check out the prices before you leave home. It’s a great way to compare cost without causing a wreck, while trying to read the signs as you’re driving.

You can get gas credit cards at just about any gas station. They are pretty handy and offer discounts for using them, but if you’re on a budget you’ll need to keep the balance to a minimum. As a college student, I highly recommend that you stay away from any type of credit card.

Gas Cost Money

Yes, it does cost a lot to run here and there. That’s why you should plan out your commutes. No, it’s not fun to plan but neither is sitting in the middle of the road or on the side of the road. Always, hide a ten-dollar or a twenty-dollar bill so that you have money for gas.

I can’t tell you how many times I have begged my car to make it to just around the corner to the closest gas pump. I have several excuses why I don’t stop and get gas; I know you do too. It was cold last night, so you didn’t want to get out in the cold. It was late and you were scared to stop by yourself, smart thinking. You were running behind and didn’t want to be late. But trust me, you’ve got to keep gas in your tank.

How many times have you been driving, and your gas empty light comes on? The older you get, the less times you can count on that happening. It is such an easy fix because it cost just as much money to fill your gas tank when it gets on a quarter as it does when it gets on empty.

An Empty Tank

One reason for keeping gas in your car is because there are sediments from gas that settle to the bottom of your gas tank. I’ve heard it called tank trash. When you run out of gas, that tank trash is sucked from the bottom of your tank and ran through your fuel pump. Replacing a fuel pump is not fun and that cost money that you didn’t have to spend. Don’t be neglectful. Keep your tank full.

Another reason is because you don’t know where you will run out. Having to stop at that red light is scary when you only have a few miles left of gas. What’s worse is running out of gas in the middle of the interstate with cars around you driving sixty-five miles per hour. Chances are, you’re going to be seconds from pulling into the gas station when your car runs out of gas. The person behind you will have to slam on their breaks and come to a screeching halt to keep from hitting you. How scary is that?

If you do run out of gas pull over as best you can and turn on your hazard lights. You should also stay in your car. If it’s hot, crack a window. If it’s cold, well, you should keep a thick blanket in your car during winter, just in case something should happen. Let me mention that pushing your car out of the way of traffic is not fun at all.

Here are a few steps that you should follow in the event that you do run out of gas. You’ll need to put at least two gallons of gas in your car before it will start. You will need to pump the gas pedal two or three times to get the gas flowing again. Then turn the key to restart your car. If this doesn’t work, wait a few minutes and repeat.

Don’t crank the engine too much; it could drain your battery. Then, you would also need somebody to jump start your car. Better hope that they have jumper cables handy because I bet you don’t. Because we never do, right?

Letting Your Car Idle

Did you know that letting your car idle during the winter can do more harm than good? First, it wastes between a quarter to a half of gallon of gas an hour. Second, it can reduce your car’s lifetime. Mechanics say that idling your car can strip oil from components such as pistons and cylinders. Bundle up students and save yourself some money, now and in the future.

Experts suggest putting on your coat, start your car, scrape off the ice from your windows and mirrors, get back in your car and take off. There are thirty states where it’s illegal to let your car idle, such as Maryland and Virginia. Besides, your car heats up faster when you drive it.

Ever heard of the Greenhouse effect? Ever noticed the smog hovering above your city? Well, experts also say that idling cars produce 1.6% of the nation’s gas emissions. Don’t contribute to reducing our future’s air quality.

Gas Budget Tight

Is your budget tight and you need to cut corners? College students have the tightest budgets of anyone. You’re working, going to school and trying to pay bills and all of that adds up. Many college students get very little financial support from their parents and must pay all their bills on their own.

One way to save money is to ride a bike. It’s faster than walking and great for short commutes. If you must travel in high traffic areas, you should probably reconsider this idea and stick with a car. Otherwise, get the pedals moving. Good exercise too!

Another way is to carpool. If you have roommate, take turns driving. One more person can help cut your gas expense in half. If you can find a couple more students, then you may only have to pay for one week out of the month; that’s a fourth of the cost.

You may also want to take advantage of public transportation. Find a shuttle or bus that runs from your area to your college. You can always also buy a bus pass and not have to have cash on you. In some places, if you’re lucky, your student ID might serve as a free bus pass. It’s work looking into.

Quality of Gas

Did you know that there is a difference in the quality of gas that you can buy? Along with knowing how to operate your car, you should know what’s the best gas to put in your car. No, not all cars are the same and some do require a higher quality gas.

Here’s a few gas stations that provide a good quality gas; Chevron, Exxon and Conoco. These are popular brands and will be easy to find. Oh, and don’t worry you can mix two different gas station gases in your gas tank. You don’t have to stick to one brand.

A good quality of gas is called a ‘top tier.’ This type of gas can help keep your engine running longer. They have added detergents to keep residue from building up and are formulated to helping your engine run efficiently and reliably.

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