Going To College As Mature Students – The Best Advice

Mature students, is it worth your time going to college?

The answer to this question is an enthusiastic, yes. Older people can absolutely go to school to get their education started or completed. There are many reasons why people want to go to school at a later age. Some of the reasons are given below:

Attending School After Deployment

Going back to school after deployment is the best way to obtain a career of your choice and to increase your income potential. There are things that you must consider when thinking about attending school after your deployment.

To start off, keep in mind that trauma from war can take some time to set in. That may be a challenge that comes up while you are going through your school experience. Keep in mind that this will affect everything that you do in life, not just school. Make sure to seek adequate help if you believe it will be something that gets in the way of your learning.

Secondly, it is of utmost importance to take care of your mental health. (1) The military effects all members somehow, and often it can take time before you notice. Whether you are in pain, suffering from a disability, or struggling with mental health, you must advocate for yourself. Ask for an extension if you need one, seek out medical assistance, or ask about disability accommodations. Self-advocacy is key.

Setting an Example

Some people want to show their kids the value of a higher education. Even if they will lose their job, they still have hope because they will get a new degree. By going back to school, you will demonstrate the importance of getting a higher education, which is an important message to send to younger people.

At first, going back to school when you have children can seem daunting. However, it can be a great way to grow with your children. Setting aside time to study together, helping each other with assignments, and cheering each other on when school becomes difficult can help strengthen your relationship. 

Not only are you setting a good example when you go back to school, but it also gives you an opportunity to grow your parent-child relationship. It can be easy to get caught up with all of the schoolwork but ensuring that you set up routines to spend time with each other will make sure that does not happen.

Personal Growth

Some people may want to earn a degree for personal growth. Plenty of people go back to school to broaden their credentials, and this can help them get a promotion and/or increase their salaries. (5) There are also personal reasons that may motivate someone to go back to school. Personal growth ties into the idea of being a life-long learner.

It is never too late to grow as a person. There are always new skills out there that you can learn, new languages, and different cultural aspects of life. The whole idea of personal growth is to achieve your maximum potential, and one of the most important steps to doing that is continually pursuing education.

Personal growth has a major impact on every aspect of life. As you continue to grow and reach new levels, you will start to feel more passionate about life in general. Continuing your education to pursue personal growth can provide you with not only the incentive, but the means to become the best version of yourself.

Maturity Can Benefit You

Many people gain advantage from their age in school. Their maturity gives them many benefits. When thinking of how maturity can benefit someone when going back to school, we can think of maturity in two different aspects: social and cognitive.

Social maturity can help you with many aspects of college. First, you will be more focused on getting the most out of your learning, rather than partying and goofing off. Second, you will be better at managing your time and getting assignments done, rather than procrastinating and putting the off until the last minute.

Cognitive maturity relates to the way in which we think. Research shows that our brains continue to develop into our twenties, and even until age 25 for some people. This can benefit people who go to college at a later age because their brains are fully developed, compared to students that attend a university right after finishing high school.

Being a Life-Long Learner

As humans we are naturally curious, and we pursue personal growth through learning. Some of the ways that people can learn throughout their life include studying, socialization, and trial and error. Studying and going to school can be a great way to start learning about a new topic.

Some people go to school to become life-long learners. Being a life-long learner is an ongoing, self-motivated pursuit of knowledge. This pursuit of knowledge can be for personal or professional reasons alike.

A great way to begin your journey moving forward as a life-long learner is to make a list of things that you would like to learn or know how to perform. Once you have developed your list, you can go into more depth within those things and look at the specific aspects that appeal to you. After, come up with strategies to detail how you will learn them.

Can You Go Back to Finish Your Education?

Yes, you can go back and finish your education, but you must work exponentially harder than traditional students because you may have gotten pulled into many other directions, such as family or work. You just need to keep in mind the following things before they apply for school:

Professors, who usually have good intentions, do not always care about extenuating circumstances. Many people lead busy lives, including traditional students. While parents or grandparents may have things to deal with extra responsibilities, such as their family and keeping up the house, they still need to get assignments done on time. Professors will not be lenient just because you are older.

Also, the education system is always evolving. Things might not be the same as when you were first in school. It is important to go into school with an open mind, and it will help you if you have a positive attitude. If you are facing any difficulties, know that there are people on campus that can help you with your transition, including advisors, professors, and counselors.

Get The Support You Need

The first thing you need to see is support from work or at home. If you do not have that support, it will become much harder for you to have success in school. You also need support from school that comes in various forms.

Some of these types of support include institutional aid, tutoring, and the career center. Also, many organizations exist that give nontraditional students many opportunities to get them involved on the school’s campus.

Know Your Why

You need to know what you are going for and why. Finding the right fit is a very important decision that students should make when choosing a school and a degree. This will help you set yourself up for your journey to continue your personal growth in life.

If you know why you are going to school, it will help you stay focused on the task at hand. You should make goals so that your education becomes a step to achieve those goals. This can be an old childhood dream that you had, or a new lifestyle that you are pursuing.

If you know why you are going to school, you will be more passionate about the things that you are doing on a day-to-day basis. This passion will push you to achieve in school, and to reach those goals that you set for yourself.

Determine Which Learning Strategy Is Best for You

Non-traditional students need to consider accessibility. In some situations, online classes are a better fit for non-traditional students. You should first evaluate if you can be successful in that type of learning atmosphere and determine which style of learning is best for you. (4)

Some benefits of online learning include comfort, lower costs, and a flexible schedule. While learning online you will not have to attend lectures for hours, and you can access all class materials from online platforms. If you are disciplined, this can be a great perk of online learning.

Typically, online education is cheaper than traditional in-person classes. This alone should be enough to at least investigate online learning. Another benefit is having a flexible schedule. Rather than having to meet at set times, you can do class work at your own pace, if you follow assignment deadlines. This is a great option for people who are continuing to work while going to school. 

Can You go to College for a Second Degree?

Yes, older people can go to college for a second degree. People are living longer lives – they have several decades in front of them, so they may want to reinvent themselves and start a new career. For that reason, you want to get a second degree.

Keep the following reasons in mind when thinking about going to college for a second degree:

Wanting A Change In Career Path

Many adults get bored with their career paths and decide to spend the last years of their career in a completely different path. There is nothing wrong with this, and it is better to pursue something you are interested in, rather than living with regret that you didn’t.

Pursuing a new career path can give you a stronger sense of purpose in life. When you change jobs, you may feel more excited and passionate about your job. Oftentimes, if you are stuck at a career that you are not enthusiastic about, you may feel that you are going through the motions every day at work. 

Pursuing a new career path will also introduce you to new people in life. The more people that you meet in your life, the more you will end up learning. Also, expanding the number of people that you meet on your journey will give you more connections and allow for more opportunities and experiences.

Retiring From An Old Job

Some people end up retiring and they want a new job. For that job, a degree is often necessary. This ties into wanting a change in your career path and shares a lot of the same benefits.  If you find yourself stuck in an unsatisfying job situation, it may be time to retire and continue your education.

There is nothing wrong with going down this path. You should not feel like you’re stuck in a certain career or job when opportunities in life are endless. If you have the time and the drive, it is possible to go down any career path that you desire.

A Change In The Job Landscape

Something that has completely revolutionized our lives and our jobs alike is technology. Some adults find themselves completely out of work because their duties have been outsourced or rendered useless due to new technology.

Unfortunately, that rate of change via technology is only going to increase, so you should always be prepared for future changes. Do not be afraid of this. Rather, make sure you are versatile. If you are accepting of learning and change, technology can be your friend.

One of the benefits of automation is that it creates higher-paying jobs and replaces lower-paying jobs. This can be used to your advantage if you are open to learning more complex skills that utilize technology. Jobs like these can lead to higher earning and better benefits.

A Degree Makes Career Changes Possible

One of the overarching themes of this article is change. Often when changing careers or finding a new job, adults find that having a degree is the best thing they can do. (3) Having a degree gives you credibility and helps you learn new skills as you earn that degree.

Nowadays, more people are pursuing higher education. Separating yourself from others with the same degree can help you standout. When applying for jobs, having a second degree can set you apart from other applicants.

Having a degree shows that you have studied and are passionate about your field. Pursuing a college degree requires you to overcome adversity that other people you are competing with cannot relate to. This will look good on any resume and will give you a solid background in your area of focus.

How Old is Too Old to go Back to College?

There is no age limit for going back to college. People may think that university students are only teens, but it is not true. College students can be of any age.

They can be of your parents’ or even grandparents’ age. According to a study, it has been found that almost 40% of students who attend university have an average age of 25 when they start. When you consider that the majority would be starting at 18, there must be a good few people starting older! There are many benefits of not limiting yourself due to your age:

With Age Comes Maturity and Direction

Adults who choose to go to a university at a later age will pay more attention to their studies than when they were younger, because now they have chosen the subject of their interest. Due to this reason, they will have more love for learning.

Being more mature when you decide to go back to school can benefit you in multiple ways. You will be more socially and cognitively mature as we have discussed. At this time, you will not be distracted by social things going on around you, and your brain will be fully developed.

You should also know why you are going to school. You should have goals set, a new direction for a career path, and an idea of where you want to be when you finish your schooling. You should use this to your advantage when you consider going to school at an older age.

Opportunity for Social Interaction

Non-traditional students will have more opportunities to interact with their peer groups – they will be able to make many new friends that they wouldn’t have made otherwise. This can also help them have new opportunities and advance their careers. (2)

By being at an institution, they will meet new classmates, professors, and mentors. By interacting with new people, they will make new connections that can help them later down the line. It is important to never burn bridges with anyone you meet, because they could help you later in life.

Many times, colleges encourage or require you to complete either a practicum (mini internship) or an internship in your field. This will help you meet important figures in your field and make connections. These connections can help you when you apply to graduate school or when you are applying to jobs after you graduate. Along with making social connections, you will learn a lot in your field and will be able to apply that knowledge to your future career.

Learning New Tricks is a Good Thing

Lastly, learning new skills helps to maintain the plasticity of the brain as people age, so continuing your education will help to prevent cognitive decline. Learning new things will also provide you with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Diversifying your knowledge can help you when looking for jobs because you will be able to apply to many more. You will not be stuck applying for jobs in one career path – you can apply for jobs in multiple.

The world is always changing, and new ideas are always evolving. Subjects are taught differently and looking at them from a new perspective could help you learn more.

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